MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscripts must be written in English and must contain original material. All manuscripts are submitted online, Word format (extensions .doc or .docx), with all figures, references, figure legends and tables in the same document. Font Times New Roman size 12 and 1.0 spacing will be used throughout. The acceptable formats for pictures, photos, and figures are JPG or TIF.
TITLES AND AUTHORS´ NAMES. Manuscript title (both in English and Romanian versions) must be concise and descriptive (12 words maximum), font Times New Roman size 12, upper case, bold. The first and last names (bold) of the authors will be mentioned under the title, including their affiliations, without their professional and/or scientific degrees, font Times New Roman size 12, italic. Affiliations should be specified by numbers and not symbols (e.g. 1"Ana Aslan" National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Bucharest, Romania, 2"Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania). If all authors had equal contributions to the paper, then this should be clearly stated in a subtitle and the authors should be listed there, in alphabetical order, followed by their contact e-mails. The corresponding author full name and his/her contact e-mail must be written immediately after the institutional affiliations.
ABSTRACT. Abstract, both in English and Romanian versions, will be inserted after title and authors, each of them containing no more than 250 words, font Times New Roman size 12.
KEY WORDS. At the bottom of each abstract version, three to five key words should be added, English and Romanian.
HEADINGS. Manuscripts that show the results of original studies have a word limit of maximum 2500 words and include the following sections: Introduction, in which the objectives and hypotheses should be clearly stated; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussions; Conclusions. The "Results" section should include tables, figures and figure legends.
FIGURES, TABLES AND IMAGES. Figures will be made with a statistical software with the title written below the figure, font Times New Roman size 10, and for numbering Arabic numerals will be used. The title of every table should be written above the table, font Times New Roman size 10, and for numbering Roman numerals will be used. Place explanatory matter in footnotes. Do not repeat the results of the tables as illustrations. If photographs of patients are used, it is necessary to either obtain the patient’s written permission (that should be included) or their pictures should not be identifiable.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Acknowledgments should be included before "References" section, using a maximum of 30 words. Authors can express gratitude for support in the conduct of research projects.
CONFLICT OF INTERES. Should be included before the “References" section.
References should be numbered in the order of their insertion in text, written in square brackets, using Arabic numerals (e.g. [1]; [1,3,8]; [9-12]). References will contain a maximum of 30 titles, representing recent publications (during the past 10 years). Older publications are accepted only if they have special importance in the respective field. References must be numbered consecutively as they are cited. List only the first three authors followed by et al.
The following are sample references:
ABBREVIATIONS. At the first use of any abbreviations (acronyms), they should be preceded by the full term they represent.
DRUG NAMES. As a general rule, generic names should be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand name in parentheses in the "Materials and Methods" section.
UNITS OF MEASUREMENT. In the manuscript, wherever units of measurement are used, they will be expressed in the international system. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressure should be given in mm Hg. The results of the clinical laboratory tests will be expressed in terms of the International System of Units (ISU).
PERMISSIONS. The authors take full responsibility both for the originality of materials and for respecting the rules of copyright trespassing and the international ethical standards.
EVALUATION OF MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration only if no parts of the manuscript (including tables, figures, photos or legends) have been or will be published or submitted elsewhere. The journal discourages the submission of more than one article dealing with related aspects of the same study. Manuscripts are scientifically examined by the editorial staff and could be sent to external reviewers. Decisions about potentially acceptable manuscripts may take longer. The authors will be sent an e-mail containing result of the manuscript evaluation.
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